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Business Services
Archipelago Marine Research
5-7053 Market Street
BC First Nations justice council
303-1979 Old Okanagan Hwy, Westbank, BC, V4T 3A4
BC FNJC provides legal support for Indigenous Peoples of BC through community-based justice, Gladue reports, and legal help.
Brent Dynamics Ltd.
Providing technology solutions and services for home and businesses, from computer networking, onsite service and support. By appointment only.
7085 Market Street
Coastal Community Credit Union
7115 Market Street
DFK Bookkeeping services
Bookkeeping and payroll services, government tax filings and personal tax returns.
5017 Peel Place
Foster & Company, D.G Foster Ltd
Chartered Professional Accountants
7005 Market Street
Georgia Strait Refrigeration
Provides services and installation of refrigeration and HVAC.
Golder associates LTD
IZCO Technology Solutions
IZCO is a Campbell River based computer repair and IT technical support specializing in providing business solutions. We are Microsoft Business partner specialized in Office 365 solutions, Cloud backup, network setup and maintenance, Windows and MAC support, office phone system. We are your own IT department
k’awat’si Consulting and management services
Specializing in finance, management, HR, IT, marketing and economic development consulting services.
lone brow contracting ltd
Local certified Faller/Danger Tree Assessor, specializing in tree removal and chipping.
Love local marketing
Love Local Marketing is a certified Marketing, Social Media & Graphic Design company in Port Hardy.
Nesika Insurance Services Inc.
family owned and operated insurance brokerage specializing in marine insurance for over twenty-five years.
proactive road safety inc.
Offering driver training, driver assessments, bulk fluid training, air brakes, and safety training, and much more. ICBC certified and certificate in HSE.
778-268-1761 Website
robert w. macgregor law corp.
Provision of legal services, real estate, wills, estates, and general corporate and commercial services.
Sea coast fire protection inc.
Servicing fire extinguishers, fire emergency lighting units, fire sprinkler systems, fire alarms, fire hoses and backflow testing.
Seaview socials
Social media is always evolving but Seaview Socials mission remains the same; design a sustainable social media strategy that achieves your specific goals and positions your organization for digital longevity. We provide results-driven organic social media services that leave a lasting impact on your business. We are a full-service digital agency that provides unique social media identities that build lasting results, while addressing your immediate return on investment. We build engagement and brand loyalty while developing your audience into brand ambassadors.
Scotia Bank
7020 Market Street
W. Paul Grier and Company
Law Firm
7190A Market St.
Waypoint Insurance Ltd.
Professional insurance brokers specializing in residential, commercial, marine and life insurance sales and service.
#1-7053 Market Street
Wolven Electronics
Electronics and I.T. services for the North Island and Central Coast.
*The District of Port Hardy offers enhanced listings to all of our businesses. This service includes full description of your business and website listing.
Have questions?
Heather Nelson-Smith
Director of Corporate Services
Tel 250-949-6665
Email: hnelson.smith@porthardy.ca