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    Economic Development Plan














    The District offers investors prime development properties within its downtown core, as well as its federally maintained airport, in the marine industrial park, and in areas identified for infill or redevelopment. We even have a tool to help you identify investment opportunities!











    Port Hardy has extensive natural resources, with a rich history in forestry, fishing and mining. The future holds promise for more economic benefit from resources, with new developments in mineral and metal extraction, processing and exploration, the emergence of the alternative energy sector, and government support for community forests. 
















    The District of Port Hardy is the largest of six communities in the Regional District of Mount Waddington, located on the Traditional Territory of the Kwakiutl People










    The District is connected by land to the Vancouver Island communities to the south via Highway 19 and to the rest of the Province by regional/local airport, offering daily flights to Vancouver and key Central Coast locations, as well as seaplane facilities.










    Heather Nelson-Smith, CAO

    District of Port Hardy

    T: 250-949-6665,  ext. 227

    E-mail: hnelson.smith@porthardy.ca