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    Port Hardy has a rich mining history as home to BHP Island Copper from 1971-1995. Recent mapping, a re-analysis of 3,000 moss-trapped stream samples, and a newly launched searchable database by Geoscience BC have significantly increased claims and mining activity on the North Island. The new maps enable prospectors to determine the geology, geochronology, lithogeochemistry and metamorphism of the area.


    The re-analysis of the moss mats use a more up-to-date ICPMS to identify 51 elements, including base and precious metals and rare earth elements. The samples have also been analyzed for platinum and palladium by fire assay with some very interesting values pointing to previously un-staked areas of the North Island.


    The new database, which was developed for Geoscience BC by David McLelland of Auricle Geospatial Science Inc. and Jacques Houle of Mineral Exploration Consulting, brings together all that is known about previous mining related activities on Vancouver Island into a searchable database. This makes it simpler for mining exploration teams to determine what previous work has gone on in an area of interest. For more information on local mining opportunities, visit the Geoscience BC website.