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    Kyle Scow Memorial Skatepark Project


    The skatepark is now open with Phase One of the revitalization almost complete. With final touches, signage and art work coming in spring 2025, the park is READY to be used, and we can’t wait to see the community out shredding! We would like to thank Radius Skatepark Designs and their incredible crew for their speed, dedication, and hard work. They’ve truly outdone themselves. Remember: Helmets and protective gear are recommended to keep everyone safe while enjoying the park.

    Stay tuned for updates on our grand opening party!

    KSM Skatepark is OPEN Announcement by District of Port Hardy

    Photos October 30, 2024

    The District teamed up with Radius Skateparks in 2024 to make the community’s dream for an improved skatepark a reality! Having produced renowned skateparks, Radius Skateparks brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the project. Radius’ team will work closely with District staff on the skatepark revitalization, from design to installation. Though this project is on an ambitious timeline and strict budget, the District is confident that Port Hardy will soon have a one-of-a-kind skatepark that ties together key features and design that maximizes functionality and optimizes accessibility for all users, regardless of wheels, age, or skill level.

    Read below to follow the project progress to-date…

    #KyleScowMemorialSkatepark #Skatepark #SkateparkRenovations #RadiusSkateparks #Recreation

    History of the Kyle Scow Memorial Skatepark

    (KSM Skatepark before renovations)

    RFP Issued & Contractor Identified

    In May of 2024, the RFP was issued for the tender of the skatepark design and build. Following completion of the tender process, the District brought on Radius Skateparks to make the community’s dream for an improved skatepark a reality! Radius’ team offers a wealth of expertise and experience, which will be an asset to the project. Working with District staff, Radius will lead the project to completion from the design to installation.

    Engagement & Preliminary Planning

    Following initial engagement, (late May-early June), Radius Skateparks met with staff to confirm the scope and requirements of the project. This step involved gathering additional information relevant to the project including confirming expectations such as timeline for project completion, budget, and the overall process for delivery.

    Planning Session

    Radius Skateparks met with the community on June 24, 2024 to gather initial suggestions to inform the design concept for the skatepark. Attendees took in a presentation that provided an overview of Radius’ experience, highlighted past projects and identified the potential for future park features, and amenities.  Followed by a brief Q&A session, attendees then had the opportunity to draw (or write) their vision for the skatepark. The ideas brought forward here, were used by Radius’ team to prepare the design concept while keeping in mind the need to stay within the project budget.


    Design Presentation

    On August 26, 2024, Radius Skateparks presented the design concept for the Kyle Scow Memorial skatepark to the community. Using a variety of features and elements, the skatepark was thoughtfully designed to create a park that flows and is accessible for all. The design as proposed incorporates ideas gathered from community members at the planning session, while staying on budget! Attendees at the design presentation also had the opportunity to ask questions and provide further feedback, comments about the proposed design will be considered as part of finessing the ‘fine’ details of the park, budget permitting.

    Missed the presentation? Watch the recording to catch the highlights, including the Q & A period at the end!
    Design Presentation Recording


    (Design concept renderings – Images courtesy Radius Skateparks).

    Construction is done!

    The skatepark construction is now complete! The old materials have been decommissioned and new features added. With this portion of the renovation completed we are now waiting better weather to add the final touches of artwork and landscaping to finish off the skatepark revitalization. The theme will speak to the cultural, historical, and natural aspects that shape and define Port Hardy and the community.