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    In British Columbia, Provincial legislation has delegated to municipalities the authority to regulate property and conduct of persons by bylaw, in relation to certain specific areas of jurisdiction. The majority of bylaws are regulatory in nature and are adopted by Council as a result of community demands or statutory requirements. Municipal bylaws have full force and effect as if they were pieces of Provincial legislation. The District has over 150 bylaws in effect. Many bylaws are repealed and have been replaced as newer versions are adopted and many have a finite life, such as financial bylaws.
    This electronic listing is provided for informational purposes only. The original, printed, signed and sealed copies - housed at the Municipal Hall - remain the official version.  
    Not sure what you are looking for?  Frequently Requested Bylaws
    2023-2027 Financial Plan BL 1161-2023
    2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw
    Animal Care and Control, Bylaw 11-2012 Consolidated 2023
    Annual Financial Plan 2020-2024 Bylaw 1104-2020 Consolidated
    Annual Financial Plan for 2013-2017 Bylaw 2011-2013
    Annual Financial Plan for 2014-2018 Bylaw 1023-2014
    Annual Financial Plan for 2015-2019 Bylaw 1039-2015
    Annual Financial Plan for 2016-2020 Bylaw 1047-2016
    Annual Financial Plan for 2017-2021 Bylaw 1061-2017 CONSOLIDATED
    Annual Financial Plan for 2018-2022 Bylaw 1074-2018
    Annual Financial Plan for 2019-2023 Bylaw 1091-2019
    Annual Financial Plan for 2021-2025 Bylaw 1128-2021
    Bear Management Plan
    Board of Variance Bylaw 1032-2014
    Borrowing for Aquatic Centre Renovations
    Boulevard Maintenance Bylaw 14-2005
    Building Code Administration & Enforcement, (Consolidated) Bylaw 11-2005
    Building Numbering 16-2005
    Burning & Smoke Control, Bylaw 15-2012 (Consolidated)
    Business License Bylaw 16-2006