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    Parks, Recreation, Arts & Culture Committee

    The Committee understands the value of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. The Committee also understands the importance of making available as broad a range of recreational activities for ALL members of the community.


    The mandate of the Committee is to:

    • Advise in the operation, maintenance and improvement of District recreational facilities.
    • Maintain and strengthen relationships with local recreational and arts and culture organizations.
    • Work with local recreational organizations and users to plan and improve recreational activities and facilities within the District of Port Hardy;
    • Research matters that are referred to the Committee by Council and provide recommendations to Council on such matters;
    • Consult, on a regular basis, the recreational and arts and cultural priorities of individuals, groups, agencies and organizations.
    • Advise Council on Arts and Culture initiatives in the community.

    The Committee is comprised of 3 members of Council and, in an advisory capacity and as non-voting members appropriate District Staff.