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    Emergency Preparedness

    The District of Port Hardy works with the regional Emergency Preparedness Program (EP) to ensure that response efforts are coordinated quickly and efficiently in the case of an emergency. EP includes local Municipal representatives, as well as members from the RCMP, fire department and ambulance. Members are trained to respond to both local and regional disasters, as needed.

    The information contained on this page is designed to help every resident to be aware of possible emergencies and disasters and how to plan to minimize their effects. You should be aware of the following potential scenarios which may occur in an emergency.

    Evacuation Sites

    Hardy Bay area residents should report to the Civic Centre at 7400 Columbia Street – Storey’s Beach and Beaver Harbour residents should report to the Avalon School at 4640 Byng Road.


    72 Hours, Are you Prepared?

    After a disaster (fire, tsunami, earthquake, toxic spill, etc.) you may have to look after yourself for 72 hours or more until services or supplies are restored. You may have to temporarily leave your home and go to a reception center for help with food, clothing or lodging. Family members may get separated. Your family should have one out-of-town contact person who is designated to receive and relay messages for your family. Ensure your children are aware of the contact person and their phone numbers. You should also know how to help emergency response personnel find you house.

    Ask yourself these questions:

    • Is your house number clearly visible from the street?
    • Can it be seen at night?

    Kwakiutl First Nation Siren Testing Schedule FOR 2024

    • Thursday, May 9 at 10 A.M.
    • Thursday, August 8 at 10 A.M.
    • Thursday, October 17 at 10 A.M.

    Property owner, occupiers and visitors in the Fort Rupert, Beaver Harbour Park, and surrounding neighbourhoods can expect to hear audible sirens during these times. Sirens heard at any other time are not a test, evacuate the area and proceed to the nearest muster station: 4640 Byng Road – Avalon School. ALL OTHER TIMES IF THE SIREN SOUNDS…HEAD TO HIGH GROUND!


    In the event of an emergency, the following sites have up-to-date information:

    Emergency Program Coordinator
    Lionel Gunson
    Cover for Port Hardy Emergency
    Port Hardy Emergency

    Port Hardy Emergency

    Port Hardy Emergency is your District of Port Hardy Emergency Management Team. We will be working during any local emergencies to ensure the safety of our residents and a speedy recovery for the community.

    4 weeks ago

    Port Hardy Emergency
    🚨 Important Notice: Structure Fire on Byng Road 🚨Port Hardy Fire Rescue District of Port HardyFriday, December 20, 2024 | 6:00 PMUpdate 9:45- ROAD IS open THANK you!We need your help to support our first responders by staying away from the scene of the structure fire on Byng Road. • Do not head to the area to take photos or videos. • The roadway is congested, which could impede emergency response efforts. • Our responders need space and focus to do their work safely and effectively.If you’re already in the area, please leave immediately and allow them to do their jobs.Your cooperation is crucial. Stay home, stay safe, and let our first responders handle the situation. Thank you for your cooperation. ... See MoreSee Less
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    Report a wildfire: 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell

    The fire danger rating is LOW  for the Coastal Fire Centre. Fires may start easily and spread quickly but there will be minimal involvement of deeper fuel layers or larger fuels.

    Be FireSmart! On average, over 2,500 wildfires are started in British Columbia each year consuming over 25,000 hectares of forested land annually. As the weather becomes warmer and drier the risk of wildfire increases. Wildland forest fires can move fast and often put communities and homes at risk. The best protection against loss, damage or injury due to wildfire is prevention. Following the FireSmart Home Owners Manual can help reduce your risk.

    For more information on wildfires, including fire danger ratings and prohibitions, visit the BC Wildfire Management Branch Website.

    Emergency PREPareDNESS WEEK, May 5-11, 2024

    Emergency Preparedness (EP) Week is May 5 – 11, 2024. This is an annual event that takes place across Canada every May to encourage people to prepare for the range of emergencies that could happen in their communities.

    Join Port Hardy Emergency and local emergency response partners in learning more about what you can do to be ready for an emergency event at any time.

    When: 11AM-2PM, Saturday, May 4, 2024
    Where: Save On Food parking lot

    TSUNAMI PREPaREDNESS WEEK, April 14-20, 2024

    Tsunami Preparedness Week - BC Earthquake Alliance

    Coastal communities across British Columbia are taking part in Tsunami Preparedness Week. Tsunamis are generated in many different ways and have occurred throughout history along the British Columbia Coast. Large, fast moving Tsunamis could happen here at any time as a result of events like earthquakes that occur close by or even far away. Are you at risk within the District of Port Hardy? Where should you go if a Tsunami warning is issued? To find this information and more, please take some time to review the District of Port Hardy’s Tsunami Preparedness Poster.

    Steps to Tsunami preparedness if you are near the coast when an earthquake occurs:
      1. Immediately drop, cover, hold on and then move to higher ground to protect yourself from a potential tsunami.
      2. Move to high ground following your designated tsunami evacuation route.
      3. Follow all instructions from local officials.
      4. Stay on higher ground until you receive the “all clear” message from your local authority, tsunami waves can last several hours.

    REMEMBER: Never go to the beach to watch the waves. A tsunami can move faster than you can run!

    Image showing: drop, cover and hold on. go to high ground. Stay there to ensure a tsunami isn't coming.

    For more information on tsunami preparedness, visit PreparedBC including resources and guides.



    To help residents and businesses in planning for an emergency event of any kind, Port Hardy Emergency has prepared a handout with some quick tips and ideas on how to be emergency prepared for hazards of any kind. 

    Emergency preparedness involves 3 basic steps:

      1. Know the Risks
      2. Make a Plan
      3. Have a Kit

    ADOPT THE “ICE ADVICE” (ICE: In Case of Emergency)

    Use your cell phone as an emergency lifeline. At the touch of a button, it can be used to call 911, the police, or to reunite loved ones separated during a disaster.

      • Add an entry in the contacts list in your cell phone under the label ICE with the names and phone numbers of people who should be called in case of an accident or injury.
      • Simply put the acronym ICE before the names you want to designate as key contacts or next of kin, creating entries such as ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3, etc.
      • This will allow responders at the scene to know right away who to notify.

    Use Of ‘HELP’ And ‘OK’ Signs

    The following signs can be printed and kept in your emergency preparedness kit. They can be displayed in a home, business or vehicle window to show emergency responders and others that you are in need of assistance (HELP) or alternatively, are not in need of assistance (OK): Click here to download help/ok signs.


    earthquake preparedness

    An earthquake or tsunami can happen here. Do you know what to do? Consult the resource materials available on the Emergency Management BC website regarding earthquakes.

    For more information and resources on emergency management and emergency preparedness visit Emergency Management Website