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The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Port Hardy Detachment (RCMP) are the Provincially funded policing service in Port Hardy. The Detachment is part of ‘E’ Division and provides services to the North Island and West Coast as far south as Misty Lake Rest Stop, west to the Marble River Bridge and Coal Harbour, and east to Hope Island. The staff includes a Staff Sergeant, 13 members, three full-time support staff and two auxiliaries.The Detachment is located at 7355 Columbia Street.
Community Involvement
Community Based Problem Solving is carried out through various programs including:
- Auxiliary Constable Program
- Drug & Alcohol Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program
- Quarterly attendance at town Council meetings
- Canada Customs aircraft clearances
- Tripartite Agreement with the Kwakiutl, Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw and Quatsino First Nations
- Restorative and Alternative Justice Program
Crime prevention by working with youth and community groups is a priority at the detachment. Activities supporting these goals include:
- School liaisons at each elementary school and the high school
- Career days and mock interviews at the high school
- Bicycle rodeos
- School lunch program
- First Nations cultural camp
- Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (M.A.D.D.)
- Block Parents
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Foot patrols
- Bike patrols
- Suicide prevention
Police community relations are very important and members of the detachment take part in many activities including:
- Remembrance Day and Canada Day ceremonies – integrating with the community, building relationships, and providing photo opportunities to tourists and citizens alike
- Assist, participate and coach various hockey and figure skating programs
- Participate in the annual Filomi Days festivities by marching in the parade and by helping with the Kids Fest
- Involvement in a number of community sporting events such as curling, hockey, slow pitch, golf tournaments and volleyball
- First Nations potlatches
- Tour de Rock – Cops for Cancer fund raising
- Judging school science fairs
- Volunteer at the local elementary school fun fairs
- Detachment tours to local students throughout the school year
Contact Information
In an emergency, dial 911
Non-emergency phone number: 250-949-6335
Fax: 250-949-6938
P.O. Box 86, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0