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Budget & Process
The District of Port Hardy is committed to implementing a budgeting process that provides accountability, transparency and reflects community priorities as outlined in the Official Community Plan. This process begins annually in the fall. Budget deliberations are anticipated to continue early into the new year, when the necessary bylaws are scheduled to go to Council for final adoption.
Financial planning in the hands of the community!
The planning process for the 2024-2028 is now nearing completion. To those that took the time, thank you for sharing your ideas with us through the Citizen Budget eDemocracy platform on proposed tax allocation! Council has since met to review and consider your suggestions, along with recommendations from staff on the financial priorities of the organization moving forward over the next five years including operations, capital planning, asset management, revenues and expenditures.
The 2024-2028 Financial Plan presentation is now available for online viewing. Catch the highlights at the link below!