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Financial Services
The Finance Department oversees District operations’ financial planning, monitoring and reporting. This includes collecting all money paid to the municipality, paying for approved expenditures, managing cash flows, keeping accurate accounting records, providing statutory reports to provincial ministries and advising Council as required.
The Director works with the department heads and Council budget committees each year on the annual budget process. When this process is completed, the Finance Director presents varying options to Council regarding the upcoming year’s property tax rates, utility rates, and user fees. As part of this process, the District also holds an open house to inform residents of the Five Year Financial Plan. Below is the updated tentative Finance Committee schedule.
Finance Committee meeting agendas and minutes are available at the District’s public meeting portal.
The District maintains financial transparency through annual audits. External auditors examine the financial system and annual statements yearly and report their findings to Council.
Property owners can now make payments online to a property tax or utility account using a credit card. Review the instructions at the link below to get started.
2024-2028 Financial Plan Presentation
The 2024-2028 Financial Plan was presented to the public at the March 26, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting. Watch the presentation at the link below.
Financial Plan Presentation by Heather Nelson-Smith