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Regular Council Meetings
Regular Council meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month in the Council Chambers of Municipal Hall and online via MS Teams.
Members of the public are welcome to attend open meetings of Council and if desired, may address Council provided arrangements to do so have been made in advance. For more information, contact the Municipal Hall office by email at general@porthardy.ca or call (250)-949-6665.
View the complete Council and Committee meeting calendar, agendas and minutes at the District’s online meeting portal.
January 9 | January 23 |
February 13 | February 27 |
March 12 | March 26 |
April 9 | April 23 |
May 14 | May 28 |
June 11 | June 25 |
July 9 | No meeting scheduled (Summer Holidays) |
August 13 | No meeting scheduled (Summer Holidays) |
September 10 | September 24 |
October 8 | October 22 |
November 12 | November 26 |
December 10 | No meeting scheduled (Christmas Break) |