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    Municipal Hall – Motto & Elections


    The District of Port Hardy strives to provide excellent public services designed to enhance quality of life by addressing the needs of the community as outlined in the Official Community Plan. To this end, the District offers a wide range of services, including access to recreational facilities, parks and trails, clean water, well maintained highways and public infrastructure.



    To provide a safe and serene community offering unique cultural, recreational, educational and social experiences supported by diverse economic opportunities; the service centre for Northern Vancouver Island and the Central Coast and a year-round tourist destination.



    In British Columbia, general local elections for municipalities and regional districts occur every four years. The next general local election will take place during the fall of 2026. Election requirements and proceedings are regulated by Provincial legislation, namely the Local Government Act and to a lesser degree, the Community Charter.


    There are different types of municipalities based on population and area and in this regard, Port Hardy is a District municipality and thereby the District’s Council consist of six councillors and a mayor.


    The next Municipal Election General Voting Day is Saturday, October 17, 2026.



    For further information on municipal elections please contact:

    Heather Nelson-Smith, Chief Election Officer
    7360 Columbia Street, PO Box 68
    Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0


    Tel: 250-949-6665

    Fax: 250-949-7433

    Email: general@porthardy.ca

    Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday through Friday (except statutory holidays)