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Bear Smart Volunteers Needed
Bear Smart Port Hardy, an initiative directed by the Council of the District of Port Hardy, is seeking volunteers to help the committee provide education about being Bear Smart to the public.
Our Mission:
To educate and motivate the public on how to reduce human-bear conflicts in Port Hardy.
What does Bear Smart Port Hardy do?
- We pass along information to help protect our community from Human Wildlife conflicts.
- We assist the Conservation service in spreading the word of bear sightings in the area.
- Make recommendations to Council on initiatives that reduce conflicts.
- We prepare articles and social media posts to help educate.
What we don’t do:
- Act as bylaw enforcement
- Act as conservation officers
- Work for the conservation service
How can you help?
We have many volunteer opportunities available such as:
- Booths at community events.
- Visiting schools.
- Assisting the Conservation Service with door to door campaigns when bears are in area.
- Social media post creation.
- Data entry and maintenance.
- Preparing articles and content for website.
Heather Nelson-Smith, CAO
District of Port Hardy
7360 Columbia Street, PO Box 68, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Ph: 250-949-6665
Better at Home Volunteers Needed!
Want to make a difference in your community? Volunteer! Did you know that seniors are the fastest growing demographic on the North Island? They have built the communities in which we live and our communities’ success depends on all of us supporting one another. The people at “Better at Home” – a new program offered by the North Island Crisis and Counselling Centre – are seeking volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of seniors. Communities involved in the initial launch include Port Hardy and Port McNeill. Volunteer opportunities include:
- Friendly visiting
- Transportation to appointments
- Light yard work
- Minor home repairs
- Snow shoveling
- Light housekeeping
- Grocery shopping
Please contact the North Island Crisis and Counselling Center for more information at 250-949-8333.